Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Recycled Decor: Plastic Vase

I'm on this white vase, hot pink - FAUX tulip trip... I have them scattered throughout my room. They add a simple dash of vibrant color amongst the zebra print and randomness that I create - and well.... They're just nice to look at ;)

Although Baby-Proofing the place is an absolute MUST (For obvious safety reasons)... And perhaps living in a completely empty room with padded walls would be ideal - It wouldn't be practical...... or pretty ;)

So, here we go... The point of my story hahaha:

Due to breaking possibilities, I removed the glass vases and exchanged them with plastic containers.

Plastic containers being (Drum roll, pleassssse....) Toddler "Puff" snacks!!!


1. Remove label from empty "Puff" snack container

2. Fill with your favorite bundle of flowers

3. ENJOY! ...And don't worry if the little one knocks them over!!

P.S: You can have even more fun with the project and paint the vase or even cover in fabric... Woo-Hoo!!

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